LawAdvisor – Seamless Tele-Advisory Platform & Digital Excellent Services and products with Flutter Apps, Web & Admin

Author: hexathemesofficialPrice: $99


Demo Accounts / Recordsdata

Mobile Utility

Click To Download
The Demo Utility for Lawyer & Commercial (apk)

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The Demo Utility for Seeker / Particular person (apk)

Web jam / Web Utility Recordsdata

Lawyer & Commercial Yarn

Username: consultant@felony
Password: 12345678

Seeker / Particular person Yarn

Username: seeker@particular
Password: 12345678

Test Accounts For Rate


  • Card Name: Anything You Want
  • Card Quantity: 4242424242424242
  • Expiry Month: 12
  • Expiry Yr: 2024
  • CVV: 123

5 thoughts on “LawAdvisor – Seamless Tele-Advisory Platform & Digital Excellent Services and products with Flutter Apps, Web & Admin”

  1. Hi Good job,

    Until now there was no concentrated system for lawyers, the system seems great to me, but there is a lot that can be done and you will have good acceptance, it should be noted that I am a lawyer but I am passionate about systems, I would buy yours, but there is much to do:

    1.- JURISPRUDENCE: Ability to share material such as PDF, Laws, cases already resolved and that can be shared with other lawyers. To search for the law, you can upload laws and be able to search among the articles, search for law codes, and generate a search structure by case, for example, be able to upload the civil code and if I need material or articles for a divorce case, just put divorce, and everything that has arisen regarding divorce, find everything related to divorce.

    2.- Agenda with reminder notification to hold meetings via zoom, and history also. .

    3.- Main page to present to the system for lawyers with the ability to give VIP access to jurisprudence material, place lawyers according to their specialty (Important), also for a fee to make them featured in searches.

    4.- Digital file of cases, and advanced search by ID number because the client may have many cases with the same lawyer, where the progress of the case, hearings and the ability to create phases or stages appear. Example Stage of formulating charges and being able to schedule in the calendar as far as it goes. Ability to filter each case by category and subcategory (CIVIL category / DIVORCE BY CAUSE Subcategory), process number, internal file number, clients, court or judge, stages of the case, date of receipt of the case, date of presentation of the case , date of hearing and finally the date of Judgment.

    5.- Formation of an internal network between lawyers, which is not just an old and boring forum, but a network where they can exchange criteria in real time, like a whastapp group, which can upload information and that serves as food for the system by the administrator.

    Any concerns I am at your service to be able to contribute ideas or clear up doubts about the formation of this system that you will surely have a buyer.

  2. Hi, I would like to purchase “LawAdvisor” But i wonder if there is a document in the package describe the web installations process through Cpanel, cause its “Flutter”, Please advice ASAP , thank you


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